Friday, April 12, 2013

Countdown THURSdAY- yes thursday 12 weeks to go!

First time holding Jackson
So I realized that Gary gets home on a Thursday so I decided to change my countdown to Thursdays.

There seems to be WAY too much to catch up on everything so I will get the gist down and if you have questions or want to know more you can call/text/facebook me (or come see the little guy for yourself.)

I went and surprised Gary at BMT. It was AMAZING. He didn't know anyone had come at all. At the end of the first event he started walking off with a buddy thinking no one had come. I started calling out his name and when he turned and saw me he instantly teared up and gave me a huge hug. What an amazing reunion after a long 2 months away and only weekly talking of 15 minutes a time. I couldn't have asked for a better surprise.
Gary being funny Gary

Gary was really cute with Jackson. He kept calling him "little guy." He would tell everyone to come see his little guy. (he would do this even before introducing me- he was just a proud daddy!) It was fun to see. It was amazing to have him help me with all the simple things and parts of having a baby. All at the same time it made it all that much harder on me to leave. He was such a tremendous help and it was amazing spending the weekend with him.
Sexy Lyman Boys

Gary is looking amazing. Gary had gained 80ish pounds after we got married. Surprised? I'm not exaggerating! In May he started to loose weight to even be eligible to join the military. He lost 50 pounds by the time he left for boot camp. The past 2 months of brutality he lost another 20! So he is almost back to his premarital weight! He's so HOT! :)

Brag time:
Gary's Dorm
Gary graduated BMT with HONORS! Just so you know this is AMAZING. only about 70 people got honors out of 700! So about 10%. You have to excel in every area to get it. Gary did absolutely amazing at boot camp and I can't tell you how PROUD I am of him. He was looked up to, admired and asked for help by his fellow airman. He gave blessings, brought 15 people to church with him once, helped out others when they would have gotten into trouble if he didn't and so much more. This story is basically the story of how amazing he was.   There was once where his whole flight was at the dorm and many of them were laying down. The MTI came knocked and everyone jumped to their feet and when he came in he asked what all the wresting around was. Then asked who was laying on their beds. Even though many of them were Gary steps out and owns up to his actions. Only one other person stepped forward after. His MTI had a big respect for Gary because of his actions, obedience, tough, and amazing he was. He even got a big compliment from him at the graduation saying how good he did. -As the MTI went down the row he didn't say things to many and only a few others did he even comment on.
Caught a little smile-Gas?

There are so many stories and things that has happened. I am so incredibly happy I got to go see him even though leaving was the hardest thing on me. I didn't think about me leaving him only the arrival and spending time with him. So the leaving came as quite a shock and realization that I was going back home to do it all alone again. Soon enough this will all be over and Gary and I will be all that much stronger for it.

Family photo!
I love Gary so much. His sacrifice and hard work for Jackson and I are amazing and I couldn't be more proud. He is such a sweetheart to me and says just the things I need him to. I am sure blessed.


Emy Smith said...

Awww...this is a GREAT post. Your family is amazing, seriously. I look up to you both so much and can see amazing things happening from you all in the future. Thanks for sharing!

Emy Smith said...
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Katrina said...

Thanks for the update, Julie! I am so, so happy you could all be together again, if only briefly. And hearing all that about how amazing Gary has done, I'm proud of him too! He does look great and that family pic is so cute. Keep hanging in there!

CheyAnn said...

What an incredible reunion! So happy for you and Gary. Jackson is adorable, and congrats on your sweet family of 3.

Briana said...

Hooray!!! This post makes me so happy. I'm so glad it all turned out well and you were able to be together. How wonderful! That family picture is adorable. And you look like such a natural as a mom. Ah! Just so happy for you guys!