Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Tuesday Countdown: 7 weeks down 14 to go

Its been a pretty good week. Things have been so busy that it really has helped have the time go by. Gary has done amazing at BMT (boot camp). This past week he had something called beast week. They leave their normal corridors and go somewhere else. They sleep on cots and are outside in the heat doing competition things (this is what I understand it to be.) He didn't get much sleep but he had such a positive attitude about it all it was amazing. He got something called marksmen. They do shooting with different guns and you have to get a certain score to be called marksman and he got it! This just gives him a stripe on his uniform. His flight also got something called "Beast Excellence." As far as my understanding this is given because his flight did the best in the competitions over the week.
Hopefully the last pregnancy picture.
39 and 1/2 weeks 
As for me I had a lot going on from my doctors appointment to getting everything bought before this baby comes, I had a baby shower, family events, trying to finish real estate classes, and organizing everything. Yesterday was a fun day. I went to my parents house where my sister and her kids were. We went down to the church and we played basketball. Some of you might think, "Hello you are nine months prego. What are you thinking." It's surprising how much you really can keep doing when your pregnant. I love basketball and my mom kept commenting on how hard I still play. My dad was cute too as he isn't typically the concerned type or one to say much but he would keep asking if I was alright. I also played jump rope with the kids just like recess in elementary. I sure got comments from my parents during that activity. :) I was fine! That night I went and watched the movie Parental Guidance with my mom.  I thought the movie was good and had a great meaning to it. It made me cry, probably mostly because of all the pregnancy hormones but also because it made me miss Gary so much.
It also made today harder for me. Today I have a doctors appointment and this is where she see's if I have progressed any and see the chance of inducing me. IF I have progressed I can be induced, and in the end get to go see Gary graduate if everything goes well. IF I haven't then I have to wait for this baby to come. I have imagined the reconnecting moment with Gary at his graduation probably a million times and watching him interact with his new baby. I even imagined an outfit for Jackson, certain pictures with Gary and SO much. Its been on my mind all too often.
With all this said, last night in tears as I prayed I told God I trust whatever his plan is. I can't do anything else but trust it as Gary and I BOTH feel like God has been so good to us and blessed us so much. I know God's plan is better than anything that I have. I didn't know my life could be so good, but as I feel this was God's plan and direction for my life I trust with all my heart whatever he gives and plans for us. The hard, the good, the sadness, the happiness and struggles, the everything. God is good.
My sister in law Mallory has just told me the meaning of Jackson. I feel like its SO fitting and love the name even MORE now. "In American the meaning of the name Jackson is: God has been gracious"

Monday, March 18, 2013

Reaching OUT!

I’ve been thinking a lot this year about how amazingly strong some people I know are. They have gone through some huge struggles and then they reach out and give back. When my good friend, Briana’s daughter was (I think) 2 years old she was diagnosed with cancer. At the year mark of her diagnosis she threw a big blood drive and kit assembly for the hospital-and continues to do so yearly.

My missionary ‘mom’ or trainer had been told while only a few months along that the baby wouldn’t live if she made it to birth. Her baby lived for 4 days and just recently collected onesies  for the hospital as they were given one for their daughter. 

Another great friend and one whom I consider family-Michelle had her daughter pre-diagnosed with apraxia, which makes it hard for her very smart daughter to formulate speech. She has just found a “Utah Walk for Children with Apraxia.”  

Before Gary left I told him that I want to do something too. I wanted to find where there is a need and make a project out of it and invite people to join. As I am only a week and a half away from delivery I realize I don’t have the umph or ability to put something together right now. I decided whenever I see something that’s going on-like this walk- I would join and put it on my blog in hopes people would also join in with me.

So my first Reaching Out is “Utah Walk for Children with Apraxia.” 
Michelle’s adorable little girl Paige is 3 years old. There is a “team Paige” for this event. Please sign up for this team if you are going to do this.

Here is the link- 
(sorry I’m not blog savvy and don’t know how to do the cool click button thing.) I plan on doing this walk and if any of you would like to join Jackson and I it would sure be a blast!

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

A Late Tuesday Countdown: 5 weeks down 16 to go

Another week gone. This week has had lots of ups and downs. In anticipation of Gary's call (since I missed the previous call he had) I would run to every beckoning buzz or ring my phone made. NOTHING... He has called Tuesday, Wednesday's and Thursdays. So Tuesday came and gone without too much of a surprise. Wednesday came and went with a sigh that it wasn't the day. I was certain Thursday would be the day, and to my surprise the day came and left. I was quite sad and wished I didn't miss his previous call. I canceled a hiking trip with a friend that was on Friday because I was too scared Gary would call and I'd miss it. (Do I sound obsessive and lame yet?) I'm glad I did because he did call! PHEW! 
I was so excited but the allotted 12ish minutes was taken up by information that just needed to be discussed. ie: if people come see him graduate what do they need to bring, I gave him a few phone numbers to keep on hand, and did you get this and that? The call ended and normally I have a bit more rejuvenation from his call but I was longing to talk more. Thankfully I had good friends I was visiting and I got to talk to them some more. 
Saturday came and I had a baby shower! It was fun and got my mind off of Gary. Afterwards my sister in laws had planned a girls night. They PAMPERED ME! I didn't realize what the night was but they planned it all to pamper me. They pampered themselves too but they planned it because they thought I'd need it (Thanks Kerstin). They took me to Zupa's and then I got my feet bathed, scrubbed, and a pedicure. But that wasn't all- we did facials and satin hands. It was perfect timing for me. I am sure blessed! 
From that day it was pretty good. Although I still miss Gary so much I am rejuvenated with his kind letters and a phone call on Monday. 
WARNING cheese is about to proceed...
I want to share a part of Gary's tender letter that helps me. He says just the right things to me. I might be a sap but it sure makes me feel good. 

Although I canceled a hike on Friday I still went on
one on Monday with my sister. Up to bell reservoir. This
is me over 8 months pregnant!
"...I miss you and free time, walks, regular food, time with family, sleep, moving at whatever speed I want, keeping my stuff wherever I want, wearing civilian clothes, and many more things but most of all YOU my love. Hope you have a wonderful day. Do something special for yourself today OK! I mean it, go spend some money on yourself, call a friend and go to lunch, see a movie, get a massage, jump in a hot tub, plan a trip down town, go to a play, do everything on the list. Love you
-Your forever partner.

I sure have a great guy. We are so blessed and I am grateful for the love, support and tender mercies that I have been given and shown to me!

Monday, March 4, 2013

Countdown Tuesday: 4 down 17 to go

I've never been so good at doing a weekly posting. But I am going to attempt to do it. Every Tuesday marks another week down of Gary being gone and another week closer for him coming home. Gary is great at writing me. Most of his letters are tender for me and most people wouldn't care to hear them. But his last letter I found insightful and so I will share it here.
Gary and his brothers 
We have some free time so I thought I would write. Being here makes me appreciate the small things. Sitting, sleeping, eating slow (I know right), and freedom to do whatever. I'm once again reminded of what life is all about: family, friends, and good relationships. Its so important to treasure time with family. A day on the beach of Bear Lake is worth so many boring days going to work and coming home. And the funny thing is those days are so great and important too. Because what you do with those days makes you who you are.
Life  moves so fast it's easy to have it pass you buy. It's a tough balance between making sure you enjoy the pleasant moments, and not get stuck in a field of flowers sleeping like Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz.
Sounds funny but I hope my main point get to you. I've seen both sides in people. Some move so fast they forget that life is a great blessing. All their money and career advancements mean nothing when they reach the last day in this life. And others reach the end and having nothing to show. No gain, not very much pain.
 I hope when we are old and grey we can look back and feel like we lived life to the fullest. Never doubt who you can become my love. You and I are going to move mountains.
love you tons.

I sure love how positive he is. This could be so difficult and he could just hate every second but instead he takes a day at a time and remembers why the little things do matter. He is an inspiration to me. I miss him so much but am so grateful that I do get to grow old and grey with him.