Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I am one lucky girl! As a daughter of an airline worker I am blessed to get the benefits of flying for free. Last Tuesday night we found out that my cousin wrote a play about his family. The play brought some of my mom's family into it. We were very interested in going but it ended Sunday. So we checked the flights and Thursday morning we were off to Austin Texas for a fun little get away.The play was so interesting. I have never seen someone act out people I actually know, to tell a story that I only knew bits and pieces about, and to see such humor, emotion, and relation all in one play. It was very well done.

We were lucky enough for the opportunity to see my aunt, and cousins. I didn't know them very well growing up but I was glad to see them.

It was a fun little trip.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

This is Gary and I. He's pretty cute huh? He's a great guy too. I sometimes forget how wonderful of a guy I have. I hope I can always make to remember how blessed I am with who I have.

One of the most happiest day of my life! I had so much fun too. Many people have a lot of stress on the day of their wedding but I had a party of a lifetime! It was great. Here are some of the pictures of my joyous occasion.

Gary and I bought some pinata's of people and tore off the original way they look and made a bride and groom. We had my brides maids hit the groom and the grooms men hit the bride. Just for fun. I wanted to do something out of the ordinary and I loved that idea I had.


Ok. I don't know how to do this blogging thing. So the best way to learn is to try it out right? So here it goes. So if all of you could give me advice as I go on topics or ways to do things and whatnot would be great.
I hope that I can make this blog exciting and not boring... I will do my best and I might change things around and while I figure out what exactly I want to do with this blog. AND as I (as my best friend calls it) "find my voice" on this blog then I might try things that I have seen on all other peoples blogs.

any advice that was a great thing for you when you started your blog?