Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Tribute to the amazing Eric and Briana Hoffman

Tonight my heart is hurting for a friend of mine. I look at Jackson and hurt at even the thought of what she is going through. I have cried for her and can't imagine the tragedy that her and her family have to (and have had to in the past) endure.
Sometimes life just isn't fair. Of course that sounds like something I was told as a child but Briana has had her fair dose AND MORE of heartache and trial.
For those of you that don't know the story I will say a small portion but to read her whole story go to the bottom of this link  http://www.gofundme.com/3w7s74. I'm not the best writer so I will be short:
In 3 and a half years Briana and her family has had their two year old child go through leukemia for 3 years, (chemo, steroids and the unknowing of what the end result would be) their youngest having other problems that had them going to different specialists trying to figure out what was wrong with little answers. A miscarriage. AND on top of that in August gave birth at 38 weeks to a stillborn.
I can't imagine and tears come into my eyes when I think about it all. I wish I could take some of their pain and anguish away. I don't really know, and don't want to insult by saying that it is but sometimes I think I have a little survivors remorse. Jackson was only a few months old when I went to their baby Kate's funeral. Nothing could have prepared me for this. I have had little experience with death and funerals. As I stood there watching Briana and Eric at the hearse I had the thought "I wonder who will be the pallbearers." I didn't prepare myself to see this

As I held Jackson imagining myself in their shoes I was stopped dead in my tracks in the overwhelming sense of sympathy I had for these two amazing friends of mine. This may sound weird but when they came up to meet Jackson for the first time, inside I wanted to say so badly "Here take mine, you've gone through enough. I will take some pain to ease yours." 
I was invited to a lunch afterwards in which at the end I invited Briana and her family to Thanksgiving point with some friends of ours on a different day. She was so kind and thoughtful with how she approached it but when I thought about it I felt a little bad for asking. Why? Because if I were in her shoes I would be mad- not at me but at the normal life others are still living, at the thought that I have no energy to exert on anything but living, at the desire to be happy amongst friends while knowing you won't last the day without tears. 
I wish I was good with advice, write a million pages and words of encouragement, and somehow be a part of helping ease their pain. 
So the only help I know how is to plead with you to go on this webpage and help them financially. Have you heard the saying, "Many hands make light work?" Well please be part of the many, even if its a small amount it will lighten their load. 
I send my whole heart to Briana and her family. My prayers are for you!