Saturday, February 11, 2012

Secret Saturday

Here you get to know a little about me. Past secrets good and bad
Today I want to share another not so good secret of my past (They are easier)
In sixth grade I had loaned a friend of mine named Stephanie0 $10. Now in 6th grade $10 was like $100 for adults. I had borrowed her overalls. Stephanie kept asking me to bring her overalls back, in which I would reply that I would gladly when she pay me back. I don't know why but I later on I wore them to school.

Of course this made her even more mad because she wanted them back. I responded with my usual response ignoring her whines. After school that day she approached me. I don't remember who started the fight but we for sure got in a fight. Now I'm not talking about some verbal yelling, I'm talking about physical. Now with that said, we weren't boys and didn't have a good hook or anything but in the end we were pulling hair, rolling on the ground.
The sad part of the ending is that as I walked away running to go home since my family was going to lagoon I felt a sense of pride. I totally WON that fight, I thought. Yes she is the one that gave up too. I got her into a position and said I didn't want to fight but I would give her the overalls once she gave me my
lousy and ridiculous $10 back. She didn't argue and said okay.
Having 3 brothers right above me sure helped!

SO the secret is out. I got in a physical fight, won and felt proud.
Don't judge I bet YOU have secrets too.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Secret Saturday

Today for my secret saturday I have been trying to think of a good secret (the bad secrets are easier. And what I have done the past 2 times) Nevertheless I finally thought of one secret...that's a big secret!

Well, a few years back a friend of mine was so stressed money wise. It was a topic I heard a few times, she didn't know what she was going to do exactly. At the time I was NOT in good financial position either. It killed me that she was so worried, stressed, and the hard spot she was in, I just had to do something.
I knew that if I offered her the money there would be no way she would accept it.
So I did some easy sneaking around, just asking random questions. Not long later I knew where she banked. When I got my paycheck I cashed it and took $100 to her bank. (I must have somehow found a check of hers or something to get her account number off of- I don't remember exactly how I did it-it was long ago.) However I did it! I deposited that $100 into her account.
I remember the day that she looked at her bank account, I was right there and she was astounded. She didn't know where the money came from. There was no way to find out either. She was so happy that day. I wasn't stable either but I wouldn't change that decision for the world. That moment hearing her relief, happiness, gratitude, and knowing she had no clue it was from me brought me the same feelings.

So the secret is out... I put the $100 in YOUR bank account.... HA HA.. Just kidding. When I am wealthy beyond measure then I will do it to all of YOU! :)