Monday, March 4, 2013

Countdown Tuesday: 4 down 17 to go

I've never been so good at doing a weekly posting. But I am going to attempt to do it. Every Tuesday marks another week down of Gary being gone and another week closer for him coming home. Gary is great at writing me. Most of his letters are tender for me and most people wouldn't care to hear them. But his last letter I found insightful and so I will share it here.
Gary and his brothers 
We have some free time so I thought I would write. Being here makes me appreciate the small things. Sitting, sleeping, eating slow (I know right), and freedom to do whatever. I'm once again reminded of what life is all about: family, friends, and good relationships. Its so important to treasure time with family. A day on the beach of Bear Lake is worth so many boring days going to work and coming home. And the funny thing is those days are so great and important too. Because what you do with those days makes you who you are.
Life  moves so fast it's easy to have it pass you buy. It's a tough balance between making sure you enjoy the pleasant moments, and not get stuck in a field of flowers sleeping like Dorothy on the Wizard of Oz.
Sounds funny but I hope my main point get to you. I've seen both sides in people. Some move so fast they forget that life is a great blessing. All their money and career advancements mean nothing when they reach the last day in this life. And others reach the end and having nothing to show. No gain, not very much pain.
 I hope when we are old and grey we can look back and feel like we lived life to the fullest. Never doubt who you can become my love. You and I are going to move mountains.
love you tons.

I sure love how positive he is. This could be so difficult and he could just hate every second but instead he takes a day at a time and remembers why the little things do matter. He is an inspiration to me. I miss him so much but am so grateful that I do get to grow old and grey with him.

1 comment:

Briana said...

that is a super sweet letter. sounds like you've got a dang good husband. :)

i did laugh at the "eating slow" part. my brother said the same thing about boot camp. he told us several stories of shoving food down on the run. crazy times!