Saturday, January 7, 2012

Brag Moment

SO I am not usually the type to announce bragging rights but when its few and far between (and when you work your butt off) I feel this time is okay.

I am just so excited because I worked really hard this last semester at school. I took 15 credits, 11 of them being upper division classes.
I didn't expect to do as good as I did. With an appeal to one grade which I got changed I received a 4.0!!!!
MY FIRST 4.0 in college. (If money was given it might happen more often like in high school) But this was a great accomplishment for me.
No bribes. No outside incentives. Nothing but pure hard work, a few jumping through hoops,and my own self fulfillment at hand.
Nothing that big but GREAT for me.

1 comment:

Briana said...

hooray!! congrats! it sounds like you worked super hard! i never got a 4.0 in college. :) good work!

good luck on your last semester!