Saturday, December 31, 2011

Secret Saturdays

I thought up this idea awhile ago and contemplated back and forth if I should do it or not... WELL I am doing it. For all my readers, this blog is the good, the bad, the ins and outs of ME. Judge as you may.
Ok so Secret Saturdays will be small posts, but tells you something about my past that's either a secret or many people don't really know. They can be good and bad about me. You will catch on as weeks go by.

This week I am doing a memory with my childhood best friend Krista. I got an email from her and it has taken me back to memory lane. So its a past secret about us.
At church Krista and I had a blast. We were "smashedededed" behind doors, we would always go hide in the mothers lounge for sunday school- only to be found and dragged to class (thanks Janice Crump :)) Anyway... When we went to young women's we were either 12 or 13 at this time it took place. We were so bad we actually made our teacher cry.
For some reason Krista always got the brunt of it-they always thought it began with her. Even though no one else might have known, Krista was the one that always made things right. It was her idea to make treats and write a SORRY note and drop it off at her door.
So, the secrets out...Krista and I made our church teacher cry.

1 comment:

Briana said...

lol... fro, i'm pretty sure i helped make one of my sunday school teachers cry when i was a teenager. we were the most awful, noisy, distracted class. and my friend was the good one who made treats and apologized. i guess we're just rebels. :)

bless those teachers who stick in there with us when we're young and stupid!

so fun to see you today!