Secret Saturday!!

Here you get to know a little about me. Past secrets good and bad
Today I am going to share something I have often thought of years later. This has been because of regret, but mostly how to make it right.
One summer when I was probably in fifth grade my mom put my brother Kevin, and I in a summer event class. Our friend Jenna got into the classes as well. It was quite fun. This was at the local high school, Kearns High. Because it was only about 1.5 miles away from home we often would walk home.

On the way home there is a Harmons. I don't know who's idea it was, where it started but we .......would steal candy! ok I said it... We stole candy a lot. Most often when it was swimming day because we had a towel to hide it in. Afterwards we would most often go sit on Jenna's grass and eat the deliciousness of recess pieces, snickers, skittles, whatever our favorite candy.
One time we were walking out the door and right before a package of reces pieces fell out of my towel. what did us young kids do? RUN! not the smartest thing to do. we just ran out the door and went home. We didn't get caught. whew. That was the closest call we had.
On my mission I often thought that when I get home I will go in

and pay them 50-100 dollars and explain what I had done. I didn't know how to make it right. Was it worth that amount? I don't know. I would also think about how that is the most dishonest thing I have done! I broke the LAW!
SO the SECRET is out. I had a summer of STEALING! A criminal at 10 years old!
Don't judge... I bet you have some secrets too!
1 comment:
Fro, your so scandalous! ;)
I think your idea of going back to the store with some cash to cover what you took is a good one. Really, some candy bars probably wasn't that much skin off their noses, but it seems like it'd be the right thing to do to make amends. And make you feel better about it, too.
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