Steph and adorable Summer |
I can't believe its finally here. One week to go! I am so excited.
Not much new has happened. I went to St George again! This time we got to go with Anders and Stephanie. (Our cousins). They are really fun, laid back and make vacationing what it should be! ...Thanks for letting me tag along with you!
He constantly stared at the water- so cool I guess! |
Lymans had this fun floaty. He didn't mind it even though the sun was in his face. He just relaxed. |
I took Jackson swimming! SO FUN! He loved it. I thought he would be fussy but nope! He was great! It was a fun fun weekend! This weekend a bunch of friends of mine are going to bear lake! So I have kept myself busy which has helped with the time going by faster. I'm excited for the weekend.
We totally wore him out! Slept so much this day! |
generally not quick to anger but I do get there sometimes. Gary has helped toned me down with this. He is so good, never raises his voice and so I have yet to do so to him. This has helped me learn to react in a more positive way. I hope to continue not to yell, or get overly angry with my kids when they do infuriating things in my eyes. Today I was reading a post from a blog. One thing he said stuck out to me, "Anger is almost always an emotion who wish to control others while simultaneously failing to control themselves."
The Kids loved holding him. |
SO TRUE! I never really thought of it that way. I want so bad to be a good mother... no a great mother. I know I will have my downfalls, days that I will feel like I failed, and days that will be hard not to just get mad. But if I can keep this in mind, remember that this child looks up to me as if I was their everything, remember that I can't control them but can best control myself and hope they do the best they can, then that should be good enough.
Confessions of a first time mom:
I never have seen Jackson stare at someone as much as he did with Melody. He would stare and smile and did it for quite a while! Crush might I say? :) Melody says she's too old and he can't anyway because their cousins! Cute Melody! :) |
I read an article about how parents clean pacifiers after fallen on the ground. One set of parents would run it under hot water and the other just sucked on it and gave it back to the child. After a few years they went back and checked on these kids and the children with the parents that cleaned the binkie under hot water actually more often had allergies, asthma and other things like that than those mothers that just sucked on the binkie.
After reading this YES I became a 'suck on the binkie' mother! Gross? oh well.
Nah not gross at all. :) I'm sure you had more fun with my on our weekend down to St. George! Lol.
Awesome quote about anger; I'll try to remember that. It's so true and I know just what you mean about trying to be a great mom and just hoping I can control my temper when I most need to. (I've already failed at that a few times, but I keep trying to get better.)
I recently heard the same thing about pacifiers. I've been trying to occasionally suck on Peter's ever since. :)
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