Monday, March 18, 2013

Reaching OUT!

I’ve been thinking a lot this year about how amazingly strong some people I know are. They have gone through some huge struggles and then they reach out and give back. When my good friend, Briana’s daughter was (I think) 2 years old she was diagnosed with cancer. At the year mark of her diagnosis she threw a big blood drive and kit assembly for the hospital-and continues to do so yearly.

My missionary ‘mom’ or trainer had been told while only a few months along that the baby wouldn’t live if she made it to birth. Her baby lived for 4 days and just recently collected onesies  for the hospital as they were given one for their daughter. 

Another great friend and one whom I consider family-Michelle had her daughter pre-diagnosed with apraxia, which makes it hard for her very smart daughter to formulate speech. She has just found a “Utah Walk for Children with Apraxia.”  

Before Gary left I told him that I want to do something too. I wanted to find where there is a need and make a project out of it and invite people to join. As I am only a week and a half away from delivery I realize I don’t have the umph or ability to put something together right now. I decided whenever I see something that’s going on-like this walk- I would join and put it on my blog in hopes people would also join in with me.

So my first Reaching Out is “Utah Walk for Children with Apraxia.” 
Michelle’s adorable little girl Paige is 3 years old. There is a “team Paige” for this event. Please sign up for this team if you are going to do this.

Here is the link- 
(sorry I’m not blog savvy and don’t know how to do the cool click button thing.) I plan on doing this walk and if any of you would like to join Jackson and I it would sure be a blast!

1 comment:

Briana said...

You are awesome, lady. I admire you a lot. You are doing this! 6 weeks down now right? 6 weeks! I bet at the start even that much seemed unimaginable. And you have done it.

I think you have the right attitude. We just had our third blood drive and it felt good. Staying busy and forgetting about yourself is a great remedy for loneliness and heartache.

Love to you!