First off I don't ever get sick. I might have little things like a headache or something but I am a fairly healthy person. I haven't thrown up in YEARS, so long ago I don't even remember how long ago it was. This pregnancy I don't just have morning sickness, its ALL DAY LONG. I am very grateful I don't throw up daily but when I do I am not one of those that feels better after- I feel worse! I get so weak and exhausted and I usually get a headache shortly after. This is just ONE of many things that is different than I am used to.
Ten crazies of my Before and After!
1. I have these food aversions that drive me nuts. Who doesn't like Cafe Rio? I absolutely LOVE it. Well I guess not when I'm pregnant. It even sounds GROSS. The biggest downside of this the food aversions is that its not consistent. One night BLT's sounded so GOOD. So we made it. I thought this would be a good food for left overs so I can make something quick. Nope sounded nasty from then on. (mind you I didn't get sick from it either.)
2. Before I never have ice put in my drinks out to eat or at home (even water). Now I crave the coldness of Ice water. This isn't a big deal but totally threw Gary off when I asked him to put ice in it.
3. Smell. Well I have ALWAYS had a good sense of smell. But it has enhanced drastically. I can smell my deodorant with my arms down, to the computer getting hot from overworking it. Most smells just make me sick. I can be a little blunt so don't be hurt if I straight up tell you that you need a mint. :)
4. Before I was an early bird. 7-730 was often when I would wake up naturally. I would be wide awake and really liked my mornings. NOW I am exhausted at 8:30 at night make myself stay awake until at LEAST 10. I most often am in bed by 11 with nightly routine stuff done. Then sleep in until 9-10! I even slept until 11 once! That is UNHEARD OF! (for me) Gary loves this one!
5. Before I am a GO GO GO type. Straight from vacation to a temp job to school and trip up to SLC for the weekend was a common occurrence. Now I don't like having things planned for 2 days in a row. Its draining. We were invited to a little trip and initially I would jump on the option even with working out other plans around it with having stuff the day before and after the trip. I hesitated with already having NO plans.
6. Gary has always wanted to watch movies a ton more than I. I really do like movies but if I had the choice I would socialize, play games, get whatever else done needed or various other things. I don't often FEEL like watching a movie. NOW we watch movies 5 or more times a week. One day Gary came home and asked what I did today. With a head bowed I said, "I watched 2 movies." He was shocked. First I watched a movie even without him and on top of that 2. I wasn't feeling very good that day he concluded. TRUE.
7. I won't go into detail on my blog on this but plainly put sex is different. Not in a bad way just different. :)
8. Before I vowed I would do SO good with NO medications during pregnancy. I am a little hypochondriac and I would forever feel horrible if I ever did something to hurt the baby. Well, I have to stay alive. That's really how I feel. I did NOT want to take ANY medication. I broke and took unisom at night (which I love.) But as I continued to feel so sick all day after one night of crying because I felt so horrible Gary called up and got me a prescription of zofran. I didn't disagree anymore and it really is a Godsend. But I take more medication when I am pregnant than I ever did before!
9. Before I would NEVER take naps. When it was day I just had the HARDEST time to fall asleep. I would even at times feel so tired that I swear I could sleep if I tried- so I did and I would be up 15 minutes later with no success. Now, I don't take naps still all that often but when I do its not all that hard. The blinds can even be open. (If you know me you will be surprised at that.)

Before I end the 11th best of all is Gary. He has become all the more sweet, tender, errand runner, patient, giving and so much more that he was already good at but has enhanced it. He is the best man out there for me. I can't be happier with who I chose to live my lifetime and eternity with!
He brings many laughs which makes the pregnancy not so hard.
Haha! Pregnancy is crazy! Wonderful and crazy all at the same time. I definitely have some things about pregnancy that make me hate it at times and others that I love. I'm grateful for time spent pregnant and time spent not pregnant. :)
I loved your last comment about your relationship with Gary. :) So sweet.
Hope you continue to feel better and better as the second trimester goes on!
Congrats Broome! I'm so happy for you and Gary. Being pregnant is so fun on all kinds of levels. Can't wait to find out what your having. Good luck! love ya!
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