things she wants to do in her life. BIG, small, and many inbetween. It got me thinking and it was a fun to put a list of my own together. So some are bigger, some small and some random. Here I go! (not in any specific order)
1. Own 3-4 homes that we rent.
2. Get my real estate license.

3. Be in a play.
4. Get the Lyman family on a cruise.

6. Go see my Brother and Sister in law in Tennessee

7. Volunteer at Camp Hobe again. (a cancer camp)
8. Learn to play a few songs on the guitar

9. Swim with dolphins
10. If not too expensive- permanently straighten my hair.
11. Throw another surprise party for someone who would least expect it.

12. Go to Carcassonne France.
13. Be in a place financially where we can help others in need.
14. Do "RAK's" -Random Acts of Kindess. ei- buy someones dinner at a restaurant, thank you notes, follow spirit on this.
15. Be an Academic Advisor.
16. Own a cabin in the mountains.
17. Go on a cruise through the Panama Canal.
18. Become a fairly good sewer.
19. Own a season pass to Disneyland.
20. Do something to repay Julie and Rick Brunson for all they have done-and still do for me.

21. Be a stay at home mom.
22. Be a part of Jerilyn's book club that she puts together.
23. Buy the "Monte Cristo Sandwich" at Disneyland.
24. Do a volunteer trip to a different country
25. Do an UNHEARD of, HUGE thing for someone else.
26. Read the entire Bible front to back.
27. Get back to the optimal weight for my age, height and sex.

29. Be in a game show. (ei Family Feud, Price is Right, Lingo)

30. Go to a real haunted house (not lagoon, or haunted corn maze)
31. Go to SYTYCD auditions or America's got Talent show.
32. Always be learning via taking classes, learning about my kids, being open to be taught by
children- especially my own.

33. Grow a garden with lots of fruits and veggies!
34. Publish my own poem
35. Make another quilt. (a good one! :))
36. Ride on a passenger train.
37. Take trips to all Missions of the Lyman's (a few Broomes) that are out of the country and
take the person that served there. So, take Gary to Canada, Kathryn to Sweden, Ricky to
Australia, Brent to Korea, Liz to Tiawan, Andy to Africa, Kerstin (and Lisa) to Brazil, and Spain with Kevin.
38. Ride on an elephant.

39. Have a member missionary experience as a member that goes somewhere.

40. Get a non behaviorist counselor.
41. Camp on a beach.

42. Be in the midst of a bunch of fireflies.
43. Give up sugar for 6 months again.
44. Own a hybrid car.
45. Learn to play the Piano.

46. Move back to SLC.
47. Go to Venice Italy.
48. Be in a Basketball and Volleyball League.
49. Have at least 3 children.
50. Try being vegetarian for awhile.

fro, this list shows so many of the reasons i love you! like half of the things on there were wanting to do things for other people - and that's just how you are. you are the best. you are always so giving and thoughtful and a great example to me!
hey and camp hobe - we know them! elena will be old enough to go this year! i didn't know you volunteered there. that is so cool! what a small world it turns out to be. :)
aw thanks Briana! That was nice!
I have done camp hobe before my mission. Its the greatest. So does elena just get to go for the day camp? Maybe I will see if I can be a counselor over them! :)
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