Top Ten (not in a specific order)

Lately I have been writing daily tender mercies. I really want to always remember and acknowledge the little things that happen in my life and be optimistic. Since its Thanksgiving tomorrow (YAY!) I wanted to take some time and say what I am absolutely so grateful for.
1. First and very much foremost my husband. There has been some rocky, sad, and hurtful times together but far so much good... especially lately. Gary has just been the sweetest guy around. The things he does and says makes me feel like when we were dating/engaged and it was blissful/and I get it now! We are surely meant to be together.

2. Yes friends, but more than anything my best friend. She has changed so much in such a great way, the way I knew she really was. Kind, thoughtful, complimentary, hugs, smiles, fun, boosts my confidence in so many ways, calls me, wants to tell me everything, and happy. I am so absolutely happy that I get to have such a great friend... well, more like a sister. (On top if it all we get to spend Holiday's, vacations, and family events together! We are so sisters!)
3. The Gospel. I can't go without expressing my utmost gratitude for how the gospel has changed every nook and cranny of my life. Even when I wasn't so strong, left, had many confusions

I was helped along the path. Now that I am back with fire I can't even explain the absolute joy it has filled my life. I don't know if I have ever been so happy as I currently am. (times on my mission comes neck and neck). I want to scream from the mountain tops how much I have learned, how everyone can be just as happy as I am. I love my Savior so much and this season I want everyone to know! To my friends that mock, siblings that snicker, strangers who look down you are loved, even if you don't see it God is real, and KNOW that the Savior lives.
4. Family. I get the greatness of celebrating holidays with 3 families.

My family, Gary's and my adopted family (Brunson's/Best friend). This week I am watching every meal I eat because its not just one, its three! Thursday, Friday, and Saturday I will have wonderful meals! More than the meals I am so happy who I get to spend them with. My family is real close, us siblings often stay up to the
wee hours of the morning talking about deep things. Its one of my absolutely most favorites.

Gary's family is also great. They are all so...GOOD. (best word I could come up with my small vocabulary) I love how goofy, funny, and how much we will laugh. (usually because Gary is doing/saying something) No matter the circumstance they are always willing to help. Just like yesterday Ricky (gary's brother) was coming home from ephraim, he stopped to go to the bathroom and ended up fainting. To make a long story short, Kathryn called up Kerstin and told her the situation and she said she will be there in 10 minutes to help go get Ricky (who was still an hour and half away) This is the epitome of the Lyman's.

Last but definitely not least the Brunsons. They always have a ton of people there which makes it fun. We on occasion will go out and play sports, or 'night games' with the kids but then we also will talk, laugh, and be in such great company. For some reason most of the time I leave the Brunson's I'm on a high. I'm just happy, feel so blessed I get to be a part of a family like I do and they surely treat me like one of their own. (sorry that was a novel gratitude)
5. My condo. I absolutely love our little condo. It only really fits us in it (and guests sleep in the front room) :) but it was the right price, the right place, and the right timing.
6. To live in St George. I absolutely LOVE St. George. The weather is beautiful. Gary and I go on walks all over the wonderful town. On top of the greatness of the place I get Gary all to myself. I need this time away just so I can be obsessed with him for a time. We don't have family to always run off to, or friends that are easy to drop by and hang out with but yet....
7. We have an Aunt and Uncle that lets us eat Sunday dinners with them. Its a great mix of being separated from most of the family but yet still get to enjoy the simplicities of a free meal and good company. LOVE it. (They are such a generous family! More than you know)
8. Kevin and Lisa.

Okay I know they are my siblings, thus my family BUT I can't go without saying them specifically. Kevin and I just get each other. I don't know if its partly because we are only 15 months apart, we have grown up and have done so much together, or if its just because we just simply understand each others needs and attend to them. I can never say enough about Kevin. I remember days of sadness and he has boosted me right up with simply the most kind words. He knows how to touch my heart in the specific way I need. Absolutely NOTHING against Gary but at times he just hasn't understood so I talk to Kevin and HE calms my aching and makes me feel so good. He is so great as well. I can remember many times where he felt like a girl was being mistreated and has stuck up for them. He has a great sense of humor, along with a great laugh. (okay as you can see I can go on and on... but I haven't even gotten to Lisa yet.)
9. Lisa. My sister! She is not only my sister she is far more than that word expresses. She has been my nurse, teacher, and listener. She has been an example of excellence.Although an atheist I have learned more values and inspiring things than that of a religious one. She is an inspiration in many more ways than one. Her mothering is one of the best I know. Taking an infancy and childhood class I am constantly thinking, "hey that is what Lisa does." (on all the recommended things to do.) She is one of the most giving, she serves more than anyone else I know. Constantly giving her time, efforts, food, and thoughts on how she can help others.
Not only all of this but she has been there for me from the beginning. She supported me in my dreams, told me I can when i felt like I can't, let me cry on her shoulder and she cried with me (for me). I am sure lucky to have a sister like her. I get the benefit far more than the other way around. She is my friend, my sister and one I know I can rely on.
10. Holidays.
Life is so fantastic but Holiday's just make the monotony of life exciting and wonderful. I love this time of year. Not because of the cold weather but because of the joy this season brings. family, food, love, and if people are in the true season then people are giving, happy, and happy. Plus CHRISTMAS is the BEST holiday and its coming so soon! This time of year also brings so many traditions. I love it.