"I worked hard mom and got the lid off!" |
Its funny too because I use to wonder what stay at home moms do all day. Not in a "BORING" kind of way but just in a curious one. There are so many hours in a day and all I ever hear mothers doing is cleaning and taking care of baby.
HA! Well I now understand. I think the instant you have a baby the 24 hours in a day must go down to 13 or something. 5 hours sleeping, 4 hours of cooking, cleaning, feeding the child, putting the child down to sleep, and somehow eating in the midst of that, and then 4 hours of husband time intermingled with getting the baby ready to sleep, bottle, fed, and normal nightly routine. By the time its 9 your ready to crash as well.
Ok not really. I have a sweet life but the baby does change A LOT of things. Some good, some REALLY hard, and some bad. Its okay though because its all worth it.
Daily occurrence |
At 10 months he started walking. Still really wobbly but nonetheless WALKING! I was surprised because he was a late bloomer in rolling over and now he catches up with the times and walks wonderfully! He is a social boy. There can be cool things all around but when a child walks in the room Jackson tends to go follow them. One child even started walking in circles and Jackson would follow right behind.
How could you not give it to this! |
Jackson turned ONE just over a week ago!! I have loved every stage of mothering. All of them had their downsides but I just soak up every minute of this kids life!
Jackson isn't the best eater in town. He will like something a ton for a little while and then later (and randomly) will decide that he does NOT want to eat that same exact food. This is one area of mothering that has been the HARDEST for me. GRRR that kid. I used to think that you could discipline or have more of a say in it but at this age I feel a little helpless and give in all too often to the "feed me something else" request.
Jackson's first haircut. He was skeptical of the buzzer but did great without crying. |
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First halloween |
At Halloween time there was a party going on. Gary wasn't going to be able to go because of school and I wasn't just because he wasn't. Last minute I decided to go but didn't have a costume. A friend of mine had lent me Jacksons outfit beforehand and so with a little creativeness (and no time) I tried to match his outfit. Kind of funny, weird and so me right? HA well we had fun at the party.
Cute Sohpie and Jax playing |
This is the spouting out face that means, "try again" |