This is a poem I wrote for a presentation I had to give on paying more attention to our kids. It was suppose to be a persuasive presentation to get everyone to be on the side I was taking.

I asked you to come outside and play,

I love to travel. Its one of the best part of life--out on vacation with those you love. I have been on many roads in life and I want to share them all with you.
The one that has been there from the beginning to the end- the hard through the great.
I have avoided doing a tribute to Jerilyn for a few reasons. One, I can place her at almost any time in my life. (I was trying to go in chronological order) Second, there aren’t really words to describe, no one will quite understand and I want it to suffice. Third, it will probably take me a long time, in the midst crying, laughing, smiling, just loving all around. So takingall of that into account here I go:
I just want to apologize beforehand because in order to get everything out the best I can I will have to follow my thought process which might be a little jumpy from here to there.
I chose to write about Jerilyn right before my mission because I really feel like she is a HUGE reason I felt confident enough to even go on a mission. Jerilyn and I got our mission calls the same
day and were also lucky enough to go to the MTC the same day. (even though our available dates weren’t the same) It was a godsend- and probably a ton more for me than for her.
Ok so back up. At this time I lived with Jerilyn and her family. We sure did a lot. Some of my most treasured times though is in her bedroom. We would stay up and talk for hours. Analyzing, talking about life, wondering this, wondering that. When I spoke I remember her saying things like, “I never thought of that before- wow.” and “You’re SO SMART” or when
I would say that I didn’t know about this concept or that thought but she would constantly make me feel like I should get a million bucks just for thinking of it.
My confidence was shot still at this time, so she prepared me to feel strong, to be happy with me, to really know I am a child of God. She was one that really helped me see who God might see in me.
Let me quickly interject here, I have known Jerilyn since 4th grade. We were childhood friends until her father moved away and then when I ended up moving into her father’s house we became best friends. Jerilyn knows so many minuet and big details of my life. I can tell her anything and she can tell me anything. For those of you that really know me this is an ENORMOUS love language for me.
If I feel comfortable enough to tell you things in confidence and you in return I feel very special. We know things about each other that almost no one will ever know. I am married now and I won’t ever keep things from him but Jerilyn knew a part of me—and helped me through it—that he will never know. Jerilyn has known me in my dark, depressive state, and when I have healed. She has LOVED me through it all-never ceasing. (no matter what your thinking Jerilyn—never ceasing! At least I believe that)
Jerilyn would send me letters, tapes, call me even on Christmas and mothers day—yes I know this wasn't obedient, but for the option of her being in Ukraine and somehow being able to call me somehow felt like God was okay with it, and if not I still was. I was always just pumped-once again helping me feel like a million bucks.
OH we've had a lot go on from laughter, tears, fear, distraught, depressed, love, hope, faith, loss of faith, loved lost, utter enjoyment, excitement, worry, happiness, joy, to family trips, sibling vacations, camping, Hawaii, Disneyland, Cruises, many 3 A.M.’s, Oakcrest, Holidays, Birthdays, many and many
special gifts I treasure, talks about @(# and about #@#()$, we have done it all-all together. And it’s all still continuing, more memories, more experiences that I will add to my treasured moments.
I’ve said it before but no one will ever know the effect Jerilyn has had on me. I will forever feel gratitude towards her. One day I was thinking about our relationship, my feelings and wrote a little ode to her. Some of which I want to post:
You are my best friend and will always have a place in my heart. No matter if you hurt me, tear me to pieces and stomp on me, no matter if you decide you don’t want to be friends with me anymore, no matter if you even sent me hate mail and wished you never met me… you have changed my life. You personally have made such an impact on my life that I have this dedication to you. You have helped me in so so many ways and have made me feel loved and helped me feel confident during the deepest sorrow of my life that it’s like I owe it to you. Like me life is this happy because of you. I feel in some small way that it was like you were a savior for me. It makes me think of Christ and as if you were working together because he couldn't get me through any other means he had to get me through you. You were an angel sent by God to make sure that I was lifted, it makes me cry when I really think about how much joy you have brought to my life, how much self-worth you brought to me, how much life you brought into my deadening soul.
So here is to you!! No one might ever know or understand what you personally have done for me, and probably you yourself won’t know
but I will and for that I will always be dedicated to you, trying to be the best friend you will ever have, trying to be there for you when you need-no matter the circumstance, trying to show how much I love you AT ALL TIMES because I owe it to you, because I feel it for you and because you deserve it.
For now I will try and show it as much as I can
Love me!