Tribute Tuesday to
Jennifer Lynn Bowman
Jennifer Lynn Bowman
I don't even know where to begin with this wonderful girl! When I left the Brunson home I went down to college where I met 5 wonderful roommates. I felt like we all clicked very quickly and I now know they all were godsend. LITERALLY! I want to start off tonight with Jen. When I went down to college I was still a broken person. Felt like no one cared and were at times very depressed. My roommates were there for me and never gave up.
Jen at my Bridal shower
Jen though.... Man... she will always have a chunk of my heart. She is in Korea right now teaching English and if she said "Julie I really need you here, I just need someone." I would. No questions, no thought about it. I would find the cheapest way I could but I would go.
NOPE I am not done.
Jen and I were roommates for 1 & 1/2 years and still good friends after. We still had amazing talks and go out to lunches. We went snowshoeing. (picture) I treasure every moment I get with her. She is an ambitious soul. She has gone to India because she loves Yoga.t Traveler of the world. Loves everyone, loves their culture. Takes everything in and loves every minute of learning and newness that she encounters. She has a dream and does it. She is my inspiration! I have never known someone so vibrant and so touching.
A few years after living together we both (at different times) decided to serve a mission. I am so happy we had served at the same time. We didn't write on a consistent basis to each other but when I got her letters they were
ones of encouragement, love, understanding, upliftment. She knew where I was coming from and was feeling the same things as I was.
I was so happy to be able to go to the airport and see her on the day she got home. oh how much that has gone since this day!
Jen and I have had so much fun. We have had multiple times of laughter until we cry, our stomachs hurt, and we can't even stop to breath.
Jen at my Bridal shower
Jen though.... Man... she will always have a chunk of my heart. She is in Korea right now teaching English and if she said "Julie I really need you here, I just need someone." I would. No questions, no thought about it. I would find the cheapest way I could but I would go.
When I would fight and have struggles with my mother, when I felt like I didn't want to continue, when I felt so horrible, when I loathed myself, when I was confused- JEN was there to talk to me. To bring light into my soul. To help me see something different in me than I claimed there was. I remember countless days of patients, love and encouragement. I mean seriously who really wants to be around someone that is depressed? Its not fun. I look back and can't imagine how I would now act! (I thank all my roommates for this!)
Isn't she so beautiful
I would constantly put myself down and Jen would say the most surprising things back to me. (I don't know if you have ever been there but, I honestly was convinced I wasn't worth a darn. I felt like I was forever crippled and everyone saw it.) The things Jen would say to me have stuck me even to today. No matter how I explain it, no one will understand, but she would say things like, "don't say that it hurts my soul" "you are so gorgeous" she would say how fun I was, how great, how beautiful...ect. Though I was a slab of stone only begun to be carved out, she saw the finished piece. She still does. Her words penetrate to the deepest part of me. I think of her often. Miss her dearly and one day hope to do something HUGE for this girl. I want to change her life like she has changed mine.
NOPE I am not done.

A few years after living together we both (at different times) decided to serve a mission. I am so happy we had served at the same time. We didn't write on a consistent basis to each other but when I got her letters they were

I was so happy to be able to go to the airport and see her on the day she got home. oh how much that has gone since this day!
Jen and I have had so much fun. We have had multiple times of laughter until we cry, our stomachs hurt, and we can't even stop to breath.
Sometimes when I can't or don't feel like I am fully expressing my feelings, how deep it really is I start to babble and repeat myself because I want to reexplain it to suffice my feelings but its not working. Just know how amazing this little lady is. If any of you get the chance to be friends with her you better realize how blessed you are!
Ok its killing me not to mention Emily. As you see she is part of our TRIO! I sure love her but stay tuned! There is always next week!

She was a brides maid for me.
SO GLAD she was. Aren't I blessed?